Being Black-Bred isn't necessarily that every woman who gets blacked should become pregnant for sure. It isn’t a prerequisite that needs to be actualised. The overwhelming principle lies in the fact that the wife needs to let go of whatever constraints that shield her from going bareback when it comes to her getting fucked by a Black god.
Putting things into perspective, not every woman is forthcoming to the desire of being Black-Bred. That’s not to say that they don’t harbour the idea in the back of their mind. Not at all. It’s okay to allow an idea percolate in your mind; acting upon it is a different ball-game.
As much as many cuck husbands are learning and eagerly yearning towards wanting to see what it would be like for their wives to get impregnated by a black bull, not many of them are too willing to let the idea manifest itself into reality. Yes, the idea does sound engaging for most couples to want to try. And why shouldn’t it be? What else would be a better and more fitting climax to a couple submitting themselves to being Black-Owned beside that?
For one thing, the wife must already have aligned herself with a Black Master of her choice, and he must be suitably entrenched in their home.